Friday, April 30, 2010

The flow

Today i watched the flow, It was pretty crazy did know that 2 million people a year die due to no water?. Some people will do anything for water. Its what people don’t realize is how lucky they are to have lots of fresh water to drink and other needs. Most of the deaths are due to pollution in the water and people in South Africa can’t pay for the pills. Big companies are making more and more dams in order to make power. There are also making more and more bottled water and people in South Africa are in poverty. 500,000 – 7 million people get sick a year from drinking tap water. They can’t pay for water purifier pills. 1 out of every 10 will die due to dirty water. 10s or thousands of people have lost their life’s because of dirty water. Big water companies like Nestle take water and bottle it and sell it even though its not theirs. About 100 billion dollars a year is spent on bottled water.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

water wizard

Its melting away, Its wasting away, I need it. there’s no doubt about it.

More water is melting away and we are using it faster then ever. were just taking advantage of the water and its wasting away in the ground that water is being used to. Everyone needs water to live whether its growing food drinking washing close or just staying alive we all need it.

It’s what we’ve got its all that’s it

This quote is telling me that we have water and theirs enough for everyone if we don’t abuse it. If we abuse it that’s all the water their will be and it will keep decreasing slowly and soon their will be none. If we keep using it wisely it will make a difference.

Every drop counts

I think that every drop counts, everyone and animal needs it to live. If we don’t think that every drop counts we could keep using it faster and more at once witch can lead to having no more water or a big decreases.

Monday, April 26, 2010


Warm water holdes less salt then cold water so it is less dense and rises toward the surface forcing the cold water down in to the cold abiss.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Tonsils and adenoids are located at the back of mouth and back of the throat.

The tonsils and the adenoids are the first line of defence against air born organisms.

Bacteria pass through the mouth and nose. It goes to the tonsils and adenoids then multiplies.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Why are the chloroplast and the mitochondria designed the way they are.

The mitochondria and the chloroplast are designed for efficiency. The chloroplast has a big surface their for it can let in more sun light witch brings in energy rich sugar called glucose.

The mitochondria also is efficient because the inner membrane has a large surface area and the larger the surface area the faster the glucose can be turned into ATP a molecule on energy. This energy in stored in side.

Both the mitochondria and the chloroplast organelles were designed with efficiency in mind.
see the photo the more thylakolds the more glucose can be made.

Monday, February 8, 2010


I never knew that people used to think that diseases were caused by curses.

But microscopes changed the world.

Anton van leeuewhook the first person to look under a microscope at water.

Later microscopes could magnify up to 1-500 with series of lenses.

Robert hook studied cork the dead cells of oak bark. Electron microscopes was invented in the 1940's. The beam of electrons magnified up to 500.000

times the real size. Two types of electron microscopes

1) Scanning electron microscopes scans the surface of cells tho dimensional shape.

2) Transmission electron microscopes study the structure of cells.