Wednesday, April 28, 2010

water wizard

Its melting away, Its wasting away, I need it. there’s no doubt about it.

More water is melting away and we are using it faster then ever. were just taking advantage of the water and its wasting away in the ground that water is being used to. Everyone needs water to live whether its growing food drinking washing close or just staying alive we all need it.

It’s what we’ve got its all that’s it

This quote is telling me that we have water and theirs enough for everyone if we don’t abuse it. If we abuse it that’s all the water their will be and it will keep decreasing slowly and soon their will be none. If we keep using it wisely it will make a difference.

Every drop counts

I think that every drop counts, everyone and animal needs it to live. If we don’t think that every drop counts we could keep using it faster and more at once witch can lead to having no more water or a big decreases.

1 comment:

  1. Heyo Jentry, :) very nice blog, it sounds like you understand how important water is, especially when you said "If we keep using it wisely it will make a difference." Next time just work on your grammer, and spelling. :)
